Two clinical studies confirm Amicapsil’s effect on pressure injuries
Two clinical studies confirm
Amicapsil’s effect on pressure injuries

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Both studies find 100% closure rates
for acute and chronic pressure injuries

See video, where Lady-Marie from UK Spinal Injuries Association describes how Amicapsil has treated her pressure injuries

Effective on antibiotic and antiseptic resistant wound infections.
Effective in immunocompetent and immunocompromised persons.


Only natural ingredients

Only natural ingredients

Only natural ingredients

Antibiotics reduce the amount of carbon that can be stored in soil. This directly increases CO2 in the atmosphere and contributes to climate change.
One course of antibiotic release the same amount of carbon as a car driving around Earth 1.47 times.
MPPT is environmentally sustainable:
it is biologically recyclable and does not require the use of chemicals, plastics or antimicrobials.
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How do I recognise whether the wound is “clean”?

A clean wound has no cloudy exudate, pus, slough, maceration or biofilm.
Simultaneously, in MPPT wounds, granulation tissue will often be noticeable in the wound bed as red buttons and signs of epithelial tissue (new skin cells) may in many cases be present as white healthy sections of the wound edges and even whitish isles in the wound bed.

Further details:

Exudate Volume / Quantity:
The clean wound on which MPPT can be discontinued will typically present a low level of exudate. However, some wounds, in particular some chronic wounds with high levels of exudate, have a tendency to exude moderately for some days after the wound is clean. It is important to distinguish the former harmful exudate of the chronic wound from the good exudate of the now healing wound.
Lymphatic fluid is beneficial to the wound and should not be removed. It will diminish over time and without the help of Acapsil.

Exudate Appearance:
The harmful exudate is foul-smelling and has a cloudy yellow/orange/brown/green colour. The good exudate comprises mainly lymphatic fluid and has a clear transparent, yellowish appearance.

Granulation tissue
Epithelial tissue

The appearance of granulation tissue is pink, soft and granular.
It repairs and re-builds the missing structure in the wound of almost any size and is essential to the healing process.
Granulation tissue is highly vascularised connective tissue that forms from the base of the wound. It mainly consists of collagen fibres formed by fibroblasts and angiogenesis / neovascularisation by ingrowth of capillary endothelium.

The appearance of epithelium is white.
Epithelial tissue is the formation, growth and migration of new skin cells to cover the surface of the healing wound.

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