Two clinical studies confirm Amicapsil’s effect on pressure injuries
Two clinical studies confirm
Amicapsil’s effect on pressure injuries

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Both studies find 100% closure rates
for acute and chronic pressure injuries

See video, where Lady-Marie from UK Spinal Injuries Association describes how Amicapsil has treated her pressure injuries

Effective on antibiotic and antiseptic resistant wound infections.
Effective in immunocompetent and immunocompromised persons.


Only natural ingredients

Only natural ingredients

Only natural ingredients

Antibiotics reduce the amount of carbon that can be stored in soil. This directly increases CO2 in the atmosphere and contributes to climate change.
One course of antibiotic release the same amount of carbon as a car driving around Earth 1.47 times.
MPPT is environmentally sustainable:
it is biologically recyclable and does not require the use of chemicals, plastics or antimicrobials.
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Infected twice dehisced surgical wound

– 9 year 10 month old female neutered Labrador retriever had a dermal lump on her lateral right stifle. Cytology of needle aspirate indicated a mast cell tumour. No thoracic metastases were identified. No abnormal finding in liver and spleen. Mild liver enzyme elevation. The mass was surgically excised with 20mm lateral margins. Histology revealed a grade II Mast Cell Tumour with clear margins.

– 7 days post op, the middle portion of the wound dehisced so she started amoxicillin/clavulanic acid antibiotics.

– 9 days post op, the wound had dehisced totally so the wound was debrided and resutured with stents to relieve tension. A swab was taken for culture and sensitivity – E. coli and β-haemolytic Streptococcus were isolated.

– 20 days post op, the wound dehisced again and there was no skin for repeat surgery.

– 23 days post op SertaSil was started and applied once daily for 4 consecutive days. All applications except the first one was done by the owner at home.

– Then, the wound was left in peace to heal without further treatment or interference. It was fully epithelialized (closed) 16 days after first SertaSil application.

Responsible treating veterinary surgeon’s statement:
I am truly astounded as to the progress of the wound and extremely grateful to you for allowing me to use the product.

Responsible: Heidi Heath, vet, Midforest Vets.

Dehisced wound Day 0 before start of application
Dehisced wound Day 8
Dehisced wound Day 4

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