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New MPPT clinical study:
100% closure rate of pressure ulcers

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9 month old chronic nonhealing venous leg ulcer

A man in his 60es with a history of venous leg ulcers, cancer, colitis and eczema had walked into a camper hook at the back of a car hurting his shin. Originally the ulcer was only quite small and had seemed uncomplicated, however after 4 months it became infected and started to deteriorate. The patient was therefore referred to the out-patient tissue viability team. The same tvn team had successfully healed a VLU on his other leg a couple of years prior.

No treatment approaches would improve this venous leg ulcer. Among others, Manuka honey, PHMB, Iodine, Hydrogel and other types of impregnated dressings were used, always combined with full compression therapy. The leg had a very deep-seated Pseudomonas infection and the patient had 3 full courses of systemic antibiotics on that account during the 5 month period. Every time the ulcer seemed to improve and the pain reduced, only to return full scale upon termination of each of the antibiotic courses. The ulcer remained non-responsive and non-healing and when the tissue viability team decided to try Amicapsil, it was 94 x 52 mm in size.

Over a period of 3 weeks, Amicapsil was applied once daily – by the tvn-team during visits and otherwise by the patient at home. There was no need for compression therapy.

After Amicapsil treatment the tvn team used plain non-medicated , non-impregnated dressings and compression stocking until full closure 2 months later.

Day 0
Day 2
Day 23
Day 86

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