MPPT – Frontiers in Medicine
New MPPT clinical study:
100% closure rate of pressure ulcers

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Thermal burn

The 59-year-old patient was hospitalized with a two-week-old thermal full thickness burn on the right thigh and shank, 4%, degree ІІІ B. The state of the patient was moderate, body temperature 38.5°С, the whole surface of the skin and subcutaneous basis in the affected area was necrotized with dense scab (eschar). The necrotic tissue was surgically debrided. Amicapsil was applied to the wound surface. After 2 hours the temperature decreased. A complete wound cleansing took place over 48 hours. Besides Amicapsil, the patient received only analgesics and vascular agents, because he was allergic to antibiotics of the most commonly used groups.

Amicapsil was applied for a total of 3 days. The wound healed completely over 17 days.

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