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End of dog tail is bitten off and dog is treated with SertaSil

The dog was attacked while on a walk in the park and the end of the tail was bitten off (Day -3). Treatment with SertaSil was started Day 0 and healing achieved. On Day 11 after start of SertaSil, she managed to get to the wound scab and removed it. After another go at the tail, undisturbed healing was achieved and the wound proceeded to closure.

Dog with end of tail bitten off
Picture of the tail with bone exposed.
Dog with end of tail bitten off
After shaving the fur off, the damage to the tail is clearly seen.
Dog with end of tail bitten off
First day of application with SertaSil.
Dog with end of tail bitten off
24 hours after first SertaSil application. Nice wound scab has formed.
Dog with end of tail bitten off
Day 8 after start of SertaSil. Wound continues to heal.
Dog with end of tail bitten off
Trying to help, she bites off the wound scab two days in a row.
Dog with end of tail bitten off
Day 16, after having the scab removed twice, further interference with the wound is stopped and the wound continues to heal without further complications.
Dog with end of tail bitten off
Tail 3 months later with the wound fully closed.

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